The Basics Of Metal Braces

Metal braces are orthodontic elements consisting of brackets and wires made with high-quality stainless steel placed on the teeth to align them over time. They are a tried and tested method of rectifying crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth and correcting jaw asymmetries.

Do They Hurt?

The pain felt when wearing braces is relative, but you can expect some soreness before getting used to them. Raphael Martin, a dental practitioner, uses an example to explain this soreness. Suppose you go running and haven’t done it in a long time; your leg muscles will feel sore and tight the next day. But the soreness goes away when you run consistently for some time because your legs get used to it.

That applies to wearing metal braces. At first, the nerves in your teeth experience an inflammatory process when your teeth start moving, and that is why you experience some soreness the first days after wearing braces. As your teeth get used to the pressure, the soreness fades away, and you feel normal again. in most patients, it persists for 7-10days, after which the discomfort disappears.

How Long Do You Wear Braces?

The entire period of wearing braces to align teeth differs from one patient to another, depending on the nature of their teeth and severity. But generally, the treatment ranges from 12months to several years. Complicated cases require more time to achieve the desired result because it takes 3-4weeks after every dental appointment for a bone to form and adjust to a change in position.

General factors that affect the length of the treatment include:

·        The age of the patient.

·        Provider expertise.

·        The amount of correction desired.

·        Bone density.

·        Patient compliance.

·        Whether or not correction of the bite is required etc.

What Is The Cost Of The Treatment?

Although the cost of orthodontic treatments varies from one location to another, metal braces are the most affordable compared to other types of braces. On average, metal braces cost between $3700 and 7000 for comprehensive treatment, including the upper and lower arches and retainers. The charges add up if bone growth redirecting is necessary.

·        The cost of the treatment may vary depending on:

·        The complexity of the treatment and level of correction required.

·        Where you seek treatment (location and dental facility).

·        Your orthodontist’s experience.

·        Insurance.

If you have insurance, you may cover all or a part of the orthodontic treatment.

Pros Of Metal Braces

·        They work better in handling extreme teeth misalignment or overcrowding than alternative procedures.

·        It is one of the most cost-effective orthodontic treatments.

·        There is less risk of contamination or loss of metal braces because they are fixed in place.

·        The brackets and elastics can be customized to a patient’s desire.


·        They are more visible than ceramic braces.

·        You have to avoid certain foods that can damage the metallic archwire.

·        Soreness and some pain are common after every adjustment of the braces.

·        You cannot remove or adjust them at your leisure.

Final Words

Metal braces have been used for many years and have proven effective in helping patients achieve healthier teeth and a beautiful smile.