How Do You Care for a Brain Injury Patient?

When your loved one suffers a brain injury, your family is solely responsible for taking care of them. This can be one of the most stressful times, but your loved one needs you. After a brain injury, the person may start to think or behave differently. Therefore, they need special care and support to help them recover and lead better life. Here are a few suggestions you can try to take care of a brain injury patient.

Learn About Brain Injury

Learn about this condition to take good care of the patient. Brain injury happens when the skull collides with an external object. When the brain hits the skull and shakes, it causes loss of function. Brain injuries are unique, so your loved one may have unique experiences. Therefore, know what happens after a brain injury to help provide the best care.

Seek Legal Help

Sometimes brain injury can be a result of another person’s negligence. Therefore, if your loved one suffered due to the actions of another person, contact a brain injury lawyer to help you seek compensation. You can sue the person liable for the injury to get financial compensation. This will make it halfway easier when taking care of the loved one.

Know the Changes

Your loved one might continue to change depending on the severity of the injury. Therefore, speak with your doctor in case you notice any change. Some changes can happen months after the injury, and your loved one may need additional care. So, please talk with your physician about it.

Get Some “Me” Time

Taking care of a brain injury patient can take a toll on your health. Nonetheless, you must take good care of yourself to provide the best care to your loved one. So, find help and take a break. You can consider respite care or ask for help from family and friends. Get some for dinner, hang out with friends, and go on vacation.

Be Patient

The injury may affect the emotional behavior of your loved one. For example, if the person has suffered a frontal lobe injury, they may have mood swings and impulses or even lack empathy. You might get frustrated at some point but don’t give up on them. If they become unreasonable and irritable, be patient and act with love.

Encourage Rehab

Let the patient be independent to help improve their recovery. However, don’t forget to encourage them to take therapy. Depending on the kind of brain injury your loved one has suffered, they will need specific rehab therapy to help them recover. So, please encourage them to exercise as much as they can. Be part of it and help them since they cannot do it alone.

Understand Communication

Sometimes the injury may affect their speech such that your loved one may struggle to communicate, choose words or understand what you say to them. Remember that does not mean that the person has lost it. It only means they have lost their ability to understand the language, which will improve with time. So understand how to communicate with them.


You may sometimes feel guilty for getting tired of caring for your loved one and wanting to take a break. It is understandable and when you feel like it, get help from the people you trust. Appreciate yourself and remember you are doing a great job.